It’s August 24, 2020. Extraordinary climate dryness, human shortsightedness, lightening, and other factors result in wildfires raging all over the planet.
Announcing the ***NEW EDITION*** of our wonderful coloring book. It's is available now.
You can be an authorized messenger for the trees. How? You can hear trees' messages as you walk in the woods or touch trees in your own backyard. When you hear—see—feel what they have to say, you can relay their messages.
If you love trees, you are a Tree Ambassador. KIDS everywhere are already Tree Ambassadors when the SPEAK FOR TREES. Adults can, too.
Here are the photos of the trees that gave their message for the MESSAGES FROM TREES Coloring and Activity Book for the Young and Young-At-Heart
Teens! You know you already love trees. Now speak FOR them because they can't speak for themselves.
Restore a livable planet? Beyond the practical things that need to be done, trees need heart-based and deep-soul methods in order to regain health and inner balance.
We've been teaching for about 18 years. Our students have a lot of good advice about how to get messages from trees.