Starting with loving trees, here is the short list of 10 easy things you can do to be a Tree Protector. You probably already do some of them.
With these 10 Easy Ways, you can turn your backyard into a zone of dynamic balance and good habitat for all creatures. Then, take the next step: Be a tree advocate.
When there is a lull in conversation, ask your friends “Do you have a favorite tree? How do you feel when you are with that tree?” or “Did you go to a special tree when you were a child?”
Every living Being has a kind of innate intelligence. Nature has a deep wisdom. Try having a 2-way conversation.
Just as you would want to care for yourself with pure air and water, clean nutrients, low stress, and the freedom to be—trees need those same things. While conventional tree-care approaches and products have ...
Think about what its life is like: rooted in one place, making its own food, going through the seasonal cycles, experiencing extremes, and living
Once you appreciate and look at trees closely, it is only natural to recognize trees as living Beings.
Go for walks in your neighborhood or a local park. Be quiet. Look at the trees. Yes, really look at them closely. How does that help you?